Appeal for the life of Toomaj Salehi

Appeal for the life of Toomaj Salehi To the European Parliament to the Parliaments of all member countries to their Governments to the European Council to the Council of the European Union to the European Commission As artists, musicians, writers, and cultural figures, we express our closeness and solidarity with the Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi […]

NRPTT: Kurd massacre common responsibility

NRPTT: Kurd massacre common responsibility 11 October 2019 – On the third day of Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring against the SDF forces in Northern Syria, the numbers speak for themselves: at least 342 SDF soldiers, 4 allied soldiers, 1 Turkish soldier, and at least 15 civilians on both sides have already lost their lives. Various […]


STOP TO IMPUNITY – CONTINUING HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN IRAN   On Friday, September 20, the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational Transparty, in cooperation with France Libertés – Fondation Danielle Mitterand, Women’s Human Rights International Associationand International Educational Development, hosted a parallel event to the 42ndRegular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council at the […]